Night Out Strategy: Your Guide to Enjoying your University Night Outs

Night Out Strategy: Your Guide to Enjoying your University Night Outs

Starting out in University, or coming back from break, there is one thing everyone is looking forward to: going on nights out with friends, new and old, and having a blast! University nights out are always memorable; they are one of the most exciting parts of going to uni, apart from the actual learning and building your future. It is where you get to network, build relationships, and let loose and enjoy yourself in the process. 
Naturally, nights out take a lot of planning. We would be stressing out on what makeup look we are going for tonight, what outfit we are going to wear, where we are meeting up, are we pre-gaming, who’s going to share a taxi with who, you get the picture. But no one really bats an eye when it comes to nights out safety. 
But we would argue that the only way to really enjoy a night out is when everyone feels safe to let loose and be themselves. Recent statistics show that there are alarming cases of robbery, mugging, sexual assault, and violence around university campuses. So it is imperative to have a night out strategy to get the most out of your university nights out.  Here are a few tips to ensure you have nights to remember (in a good way).
Stay with your pack.
While nights out are a fun way to network and get to know people, never wander out without your buddy, or the your friends. It’s harder for attackers to target  a group than someone alone, especially if you’re new to the place. Being in a group makes it easy for everyone to look out for one another.
Have an exit plan in place.
Before everything gets blurry, and everyone had one too many shots, organise a way of getting home. Pre-book a taxi, or organise a lift with someone you know and trust. Travel in groups if possible. Sharing a ride cuts the cost and keeps everyone safe. And no matter what you do, do not walk home alone. A lot of attacks happen to people heading home alone late at night or in the early hours of the morning. It goes without saying, don’t accept lifts from strangers too.
Be where the crowd is.
It’s cool to travel the road less traveled, but not in this instance. When going out at night, stay in well-lit, crowded areas where you can easily get help. Avoid dark alleys where most scary people are lurking around. Potential attackers have more opportunity to act in places where there are less likely to be witnesses. 
Carry a personal safety alarm.
Even with everything in place, it is always better to be safe than sorry. In the event that you do feel unsafe, having a personal safety alarm will ward off any potential attackers and get you help. Your personal safety alarm does not have to ruin your look; get one like Angela, that should match your aesthetic and is subtle enough to carry around on a night out. 
Now go out and make friends. Make your time in the uni a memorable one; one that you’d keep forever, not one that will haunt you forever. 
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